Dec 27, 2008

Deck The Walls


Dec 26, 2008

words to live by

What You Answer To
Awesome MySpace Comments & Myspace Layouts

Dec 25, 2008


Today, Christmas, we honored the tradition that most families of missionaries honor, "the ringing of the phone" that is, we "my smith family" got to talk to our missionary in Washington! The phone call was definitely the highlight of the day. Our family, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and friends all waited for a turn to talk to him. Each of us started out with the same question "how's it going"? Austin is enjoying his missionary experiences. Some of Austin's friends came over to talk to him also. It was so great to see them all again and it just made me miss him even more. They all went up to his room and laid on his bed (just like old times). I've included some of the pictures I took when everyone was talking to him.
Christmas with the family was great. It rained and rained all day which made the day seem even more homey.

Dec 21, 2008

Elder Austin is having the time of his life on his missionary adventures. Today he experieced his first real snow storm. A blizzard hit the area he is serving in, Sultan Washington. So much snow fell that church was cancelled.

Dec 8, 2008

I Have A Complaint

Dec 5, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It really is the most wonderful time of the year when your house is clean and decorated by the first part of December. At least that's what I am finally figuring out after 50 years. Is this what it feels like? The women’s organization in our church, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) held a progressive dinner. Three of my neighbors including myself hosted the appetizers and main course in our homes. My house was the “appetizer” house. All of this meant that I would need to have my house clean and decorated for the event. I took the challenge and “did it.” For most people that wouldn’t be such a hard thing to do but I just finished having travertine flooring installed throughout my house and with that came the need to repaint and install new baseboards (which I did myself). The event was a great way to motivate me to get all of it done. Thanks Lazona Ward for asking me to help out!!! The neighborhood children placed luminaries in front of all our homes. Our street looked so bright and festive.


Dec 2, 2008

"My" Missionary Son

One of the members of "Me and My Smith Family" is Austin. He is currently serving a mission for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is in the town of Blaine Washington. He's been in Washington since September. Of course we love his letters home but really love it when he sends pictures. Here are some he recently sent home.