Dec 5, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It really is the most wonderful time of the year when your house is clean and decorated by the first part of December. At least that's what I am finally figuring out after 50 years. Is this what it feels like? The women’s organization in our church, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) held a progressive dinner. Three of my neighbors including myself hosted the appetizers and main course in our homes. My house was the “appetizer” house. All of this meant that I would need to have my house clean and decorated for the event. I took the challenge and “did it.” For most people that wouldn’t be such a hard thing to do but I just finished having travertine flooring installed throughout my house and with that came the need to repaint and install new baseboards (which I did myself). The event was a great way to motivate me to get all of it done. Thanks Lazona Ward for asking me to help out!!! The neighborhood children placed luminaries in front of all our homes. Our street looked so bright and festive.
