Mar 9, 2009

My Little Wiener's

Baylor and Sparkie are "mysmithfamily" pets. Both of them are miniature daschunds. You know wiener dogs! Cameron got Baylor as a birthday present when he was 7 yrs old. Baylor is now 15 years old. Sparkie came along about 13 years ago. We named him "Sparkie" because..... What do you call a wiener dog with balls of steel? SPARKIE. And yes, he is all that. I wanted to post about them because we've had them forever and they're getting old. I think they deserve a spot in "Me and My Smith Family"


Suz said...

That is funny! They made the blog. True family members now!

Gail said...

That is hilarious Lori! I finally found your blog...yea! I need your email to invite you to mine:). I can't believe how small your dogs are. I though ours was a mini but he is girnormous in comparison!!